Until circumstances change, this will just be the most horrible geek tease you can imagine.
At the office, we have exactly three approved programming languanges: C for performance, Python for everything else, and a begrudging tolerance for ECMA-262 for the WebUI team and site design. (Although the docs deployment people get away with PHP, which annoys me to absolutely no end.)
The problem has been that unit testing the WebUI has been more or less impossible in a systematic way in a language that QA has been required to learn. The most useful of all WebUI unit testing frameworks is FireWatir, Firefox Web Application Testing In Ruby. It's a nifty framework; it talks to a Firefox (or Mozilla) instance over a telnet socket opened up in firefox's backside (oh, baby, talk dirty to me!).
But it's written in Ruby, dammit. I don't want to have to teach my QA team another programming language.
Therefore, the solution was completely obvious: rewrite FireWatir in Python.
I'm not saying I've done this. I won't even talk about what I have done. But for programmers fluent in Python, Ruby, and Javascript, who are comfortable with network programming and can successfully build Mozilla by hand, it won't take more than 24 straight hours (not "a day," mind you but a 24-hour work cycle) to port the entire project to Python.
If someone did such a thing, though, what would they call it?