One of the nifty things that Django provides is the {% url backreference %} syntax, which allows you to name the targets in your list of URL objects and then refer to them by an explicit name. You can sometimes use the function name instead, and Django has a way of turning the function name back into the URL. It works fine as long as the signature of the backreference and the signature of the function match.
It's very nice for RESTful interfaces. But what about AJAXy webpages? AJAX is all about D(X)HTML and the rendering and animation of user interfaces in a broser, and there's a lot of Javascript that comes along with all that HTML and CSS. And embedded AJAX often comes with its own set of URL calls. I mean, seriously, what if you want to write something like this:
"{% url results %}", {},
function(resp) {
Here, I want to replace the string url results'' with the url that returns the results and shoves their visuals into the
resultswrapper'' HTML object, whatever it is.
You could do this in Django, making this a templatized object and spewing it out every time. But often enough this URL never changes during the lifetime of the program. This is effectively javascript with a macro embedded in it that you want substituted once, preferably at start-up. Well, I haven't done the start-up for you. But here's a nifty little chunk of code that'll do URL reverse lookups in any static files in your STATIC_DOC_ROOT directory (by the way, that STATIC_DOC_ROOT setting is pretty useful for development, if you're serving static media out of your Django server, as devs frequently do):
<dfn><addition to>=</dfn>
import os
DIRNAME = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
STATIC_DOC_ROOT = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(DIRNAME, 'static')) + '/'
And here's the routine. Note that I've made it a Django command: put it wherever you want and use it wisely:
from import NoArgsCommand
from import CommandError
from settings import STATIC_DOC_ROOT
from django.template import Template
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
import os
import os.path
import re
re_walker = re.compile(r'\.tmpl$')
class Command(NoArgsCommand):
help = ("Run a series of templates through the Template handler to produce "
"(semi) static files. This is mostly useful for javascript "
"handlers with Ajax calls in them that only need the urls "
"defined when the application is first built or starts running. It "
"allows developers to use the {% url somethingorother %} syntax inside "
"Ajax handlers without burdening the application at runtime.")
def handle_noargs(self, **options):
paths = [os.path.join(STATIC_DOC_ROOT, path[0], filename)
for path in os.walk(STATIC_DOC_ROOT)
for filename in path[2]
for fn in paths:
fn_out = re_walker.sub('', fn)
open(fn_out, 'w+').write(Template(open(fn, 'r').read()).render({}))
It's not perfect (hey, I wrote it in about 20 minutes, mostly to fix this problem in a quick and dirty fashion. Given that I didn't know how the innards of the Template class worked, and have never used the new os.walk() function, this was pretty good.
As always, I've provided the source code for this.