Let's say you're a Linux user. And let's say that you have valid, legitimate, one might even say ethical, reasons for capturing the audio that you're hearing through your speakers. Most modern Linux system are using Pipewire these days, so let's discuss how, on a Pipewire system, you can capture the audio being produced by some application you're currently running.
The first step is to figure out what sink is producing the audio. Pipewire has the concept of a
"sink," which is something that either fills from, or drains to, another component, ultimately
ending at some hardware attached to speakers. Most people running Pipewire still have Pulseaudio as
an interface layer, just because so many applications have been written to the Pulseaudio API.
Running the Pulseaudio command pactl list sink-inputs
will show you a list of all the applications
that are currently registered to produce audio. All you want, really, is the sink number, which is
at the top of each sink, reading Sink Input #4111
, where the number will be different for each
If you want to extract just the number, here's a gnarly command for doing just that:
pactl list sink-inputs | \
grep -E 'Input #|application\.name' | \ # Only the sink number and application name
tr -d '[:space:]' | \ # Remove ALL whitespace (including newlines!)
tr -d '"' | \ # Remove the quotes around the application name
grep -Eoi '#[0-9]*application\.name=Audacious' | \ # EDIT THIS: Set the application to the name you want!
grep -oi '[0-9]*' # Spit out only the number left: the sink ID.
Some uncommon (maybe?) grep flags here:
$ grep -i # Case insensitive grep.
$ grep -E # extended grep: allows for pipe and grouping
$ grep -o # Only print what the expression matched, not the whole line
Once you've got the sink, Pipewire's pw-record
command has all the power you need. Do whatever
substitutions you need for SINK_NUMBER
pw-record --latency=20ms --volume=1.0 --format=f32 \
--channel-map stereo --latency=20ms \
--rate 44100 \
--target="$SINK_NUMBER" "$RECORDED_FILE.rec"
When your recording is done, just hit Ctrl-C. If it's going to take awhile, and you're sure this is
the only pw-record
session currently running, you can automate its shutdown. Let's say it'll take
two hours. Set up sleep for that long, then kill the pw-record application.
sleep 2h ; kill $(ps fx | grep pw-record | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}')
I'd run ps fx | grep pw-record | grep -v grep
to make sure it's the only one running before I
set up my sleep
command. (The grep -v grep
line is there because, since "pw-record" is part of
the grep command, it might show up in the ps record, so you want to remove it in any case, leaving
only the real "pw-record" to kill.) (Yes, I know, killall
exists, but I'm not sure I trust it.
I'm old-skool, as they say.)
Because you're recording from the input-sink
, any other bleeps and boops your operating system
might make in that time shouldn't be part of the stream. But do try to keep everything else on your
system down and quiet; running some other high-demand applications can add crackling and unwanted
pauses to your recording.
You can then convert the output to MP3 with the following:
ffmpeg -y -i "RECORDED_FILE.rec" -acodec mp3 -b:a 320k "OUTPUT_FILE.mp3"
In the event that your recording comes out funny, either too slow or too fast, start the recording
and then run pw-top
; find your source in the list of running applications, write down the FORMAT
and RATE, and restart pw-record with the format and rate flags set to the values you wrote down. You
may need to run man pw-record
to see what the format inputs are, but they're fairly easy to
Now, it was a 5-4 vote in the 1984 case Universal Studios vs. Sony Corporation of America that made it legal for Americans to save TV shows to VHS tape, and to save music they'd heard over the air to their tape records. On the other hand, I would never, ever suggest that one should use this power to save one's audiobooks, podcasts, and music from such honorable folks as Spotify or Audible, and I simply must discourage any thoughts you might have in that direction.
Leave stealing our intellectual property to the big boys, mmmmkay?