Pandastrike has a really good article called Facebook Relay: An Evil And/Or Incompetent Attack On REST, in which the author basically takes Facebook to the woodshed for not understanding REST, trying to break REST, and generally being your classic embrace / extend / extinguish (or etouderie, a beautiful word that has sadly fallen out of the English lexicon) big company imposing its will on everyone else. As a graphQL fan, I wanted to like Relay, but every time I played with it my principle reaction was, "Okay, what is this really for?" Pandastrike goes on to say that it's good for only one thing, namely social networking data at the massive scale Facebook faces.
But, Pandastrike make one really terrible faux pax of their own in the article. They make a point of quoting Ray Fielding, but then in the section on REST endpoints and type safety, write:
Although JSON Schema is not part of HTTP proper... if you use content types correctly, and also use JSON Schema with JSCK, you get strong typing over HTTP.
This is true, as far as it goes. But it misses two incredibly important parts of Ray Fielding's work, and makes me suspect their intentions. JSCK, you see, is a product produced by Pandastrike. And Fielding himself has said that doing REST with JSON is incredibly hard. So hard, in fact, that the original work in REST mentioned that the transfer of representational state automatically implied hypertext as the representative of state transfer. JSON is a terrible tool for hypertext. You know what's a great tool? HTML: Hypertext Markup Language. It's not just for the browser and the page itself, it's for every transaction that you commit between the browser and the server, and it carries with it all the metadata needed to make sense of the content. Even better, unlike JSON, HTML has its own type checking mechanism that is part of the HTTP/HTML dual standard: its DTD, or Document Type Definition. You're not required to use the whole HTML standard, and you can even use XML with a stripped-down version that still comes with a DTD.
Pandstrike goes on about Facebook's raking attack on a behavior scheme that's been around for, oh, call it ten years. But HTML and DTDs have been around for twenty years.
I'll be fair: Working with HTML and XML on the browser is painful compared to JSON. It uses more CPU to render and it takes more tooling to program correctly. Nobody does it that way. But to ignore it and imply you have a magic solution to an unsolved problem is to be as deceitful as the people you're criticizing.