In my quest to become the world's greatest programmer, I have been informed that I must reboot my React and Django skills. What better way to make that happen than to port my Boggle solver program to the web?
It's not good enough to shell out to boggle-solve
and just make things happen. I wanted something that required a little more learning. And therefore, we come to the next step in the evolution of the boggle solving library: A C foreign function interface.
The good part of this story is that we're still going to be writing almost entirely in Rust. As long as we stay away from asynchronous Rust, the Rust runtime can sit comfortably next to the C runtime without a headache. (And yes, C has a runtime, but there are historical reasons for why that runtime is provided by the OS rather than by the compiler.)
There is one catch. The existing boggle solver takes a dictionary and at least one board. But we can solve many boards with the same dictionary. So we must answer this question: Do we want the dictionary to be reusable? Loading the dictionary takes a large amount of the overall processing time and being able to load the dictionary once and re-use it would be worthwhile. The dictionary, however, is a complex Rust structure with a type paramater.
We could answer the question with 'No.' In which case our function takes a path to a dictionary, and a memory blob that represents the board, and returns another memory blob representing the answers.
That is sad. We don't do sad things. Yes, the dictionary needs to be reusable.
The first thing we're going to do is lock down the dictionary's type. Consistently, we've been using Node<char>
. Node
is a node in a trie structure. It has no specialized root node, so there's no point in having a Trie<char>
object. For the FFI, we want Rust to make sure the layout of our container is compatible with C. We'll use the compiler directive repr(C)
to do that, and then contain our root node in a new struct:
pub struct Trie(boggle_solver::trie::Node<char>);</code>
For the C FFI, the Rust compiler directive no_mangle
tells Rust not to change the names of the functions in a Rusty way, but to leave them as-is so the C runtime, which is primitive and doesn't know anything about name mangling, will be able to find them.
We'e about to wander into the world of Rust black magic here. The Rustinomican, the book about Rust's darker world, has dire warnings about what I'm about to show you. This is C-land, where C-things happen and C-corruption is the order of the day.
In the original boggle-solver there is a function, dict(path: &str) -> Node<char>
that takes a path to a dictionary file and returns a fully populated trie. We're going to use that function, wrap the results in an opaque pointer (a pointer the C programmer shouldn't examine internally), and return that pointer. That pointer has to be taken away from Rust's type handler. Rust needs to not worry about it, not borrow check it. It is a sinful object lost to the world of C. The Rust function transmute
does this:
unsafe extern "C" fn dictionary_make(filepath: *const c_char) -> *const Trie {
This function is marked unsafe
, which is fine because only C-side programs will ever call it. Inside, we take the filepath, which is an array of bytes terminated by a null, and cast it to a Rust string, then pass that to our dictionary builder, wrap the newly made dictionary in the new Trie
struct, Box
it up, and then transmute
that box into our C-like pointer. Phew!
Since we are back in the land of C we are responsible for freeing the dictionary when we're done with it. Miraculously, we can get away with this by using transmute
to hand it back to Rust, put it into a scope, and then... just let Rust drop it and recover the memory.
unsafe extern "C" fn dictionary_destroy(trie: *const Trie) {
let _drop_me: Box<Trie> = transmute(trie);
Now that is Rust black magic!
We can now solve a board for a given dictionary. I won't copy the entire text of the boggle-solve
binary here, which makes up the bulk of this function. At the end of that function, we had a vector of all the words found on the board, which was the return type of the function. In our current case, we need to return something C understands.
Traditionally, the way C does this is to allocate a buffer big enough to hold the results, pass that buffer to the function (as a pointer), and then expect the buffer to be full when the results come back.
Here, we take the solutions: Vec<String>
and from it create a massive string of all the results separated by newlines (to make it printable). We cast that string into C, and copy the results into the buffer. This isn't the world's most efficient example; at one point, we have three copies of the solution in memory, and the "known highest-scoring board" returns a solution set that's 4,604 bytes long (including newlines). Using a conservative allocation scheme means that at some point we're using 24 kilobytes of memory. It's only for a few seconds until it drops all but the 8KB used for the parent buffer. Even in these days of multi-gigabyte machines, that still seems like a lot:
unsafe extern "C" fn solve_for_dictionary(
board_text: *const c_char,
dictionary: *const Trie,
found_words: *mut c_char,
) {
let mut result = String::new();
if !solutions.is_empty() {
for solution in solutions {
let s = CString::new(result).unwrap();
libc::strcpy(found_words, s.as_ptr());
And finally, we can now solve given the path to the dictionary. All of these functions are C functions with C signatures. If we didn't call dictionary_destroy()
there, the trie would never be recovered, and that would be a memory leak. We're in C land here, where memory management is once again completely and utterly our responsibility.
unsafe extern "C" fn solve(
board_text: *const c_char,
dictionary_path: *const c_char,
found_words: *mut c_char,
) {
let trie = dictionary_make(dictionary_path);
solve_for_dictionary(board_text, trie, found_words);
To make this work with C, we need to provide a C-style header file that tells the C compiler the names and signatures of the objects we've created. After all the no_mangle
and our repr
opaque structure, here's everything C needs to know about:
<code>#include <stdlib.h>
struct Trie;
struct Trie* dictionary_make(char* filepath);
void dictionary_destroy(struct Trie* trie);
void solve_for_dictionary(char* board_text, struct Trie* dictionary, char* buffer);
void solve(char* board_text, char* dictionary_filepath, char* buffer);</code>
A quick (and very no-frills; I've removed ALL the error-handling regarding arguments and board reading) example of using this in C:
<code>#include "boggle_solver.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXRETURNSIZE 8192
int main (int argc, char** argv) {
char board[MAXBOARDSIZE];
char buffer[MAXRETURNSIZE];
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
size_t len = fread(board, sizeof(char), MAXBOARDSIZE, fp);
board[len++] = '\0'; /* Just to be safe. */
solve(board, "/usr/share/dict/words", buffer);
printf("%s\n", buffer);
return 0;
To use this code, save this in a file name csolve.c
in the root directory of the FFI library. We can then build the library and the binary with cargo and GCC:
<code>cargo build --release
gcc ./csolve ./csolve.c -Isrc -L. -l:target/release/</code>
We can then run this code against the example board:
<code>$ ./example/csolve ../sample_board.txt
So now we have boggle-solver, the C-land version. The binary isn't even very large (about 8K on my Linux box), but everything is dynamically linked so, in the end, it's a big executable, hauling the entire Rust runtime with it.
Still, this is a pretty good demonstration of what's possible. It's not a great demonstration; in that case, I'd replace the call to dict
with something which could take arrays of strings, or maybe even a file pointer, and do magic with it inside of Rust. But this accomplishes the initial goal: get something that can be run from a C program and run the Boggle Solver.
Next: Go one step further, and make it work in Python.