Boggling 2: Parallelized Boogaloo!
When last we left our heroes, they'd solved Boggle! and done so with amazing speed. The only thing left to do was go faster.
There are two strategies, actually, for going faster. The first, mind-bogglingly enough, is to go the other way with your search space: building a graph of the board, for each word in the dictionary scan to see if that word could be made from the board.
There is a size of board for which this strategy is actually faster than the "search the board and check the word" strategy we're using, but I'll tell you this: that board is bigger than 12x12. Even with the two-phase bitmap used for boards bigger than 8x8, a 12x12 board solves in only a second or two.
I'm going to give much of the credit for this astounding speed to The Rust Programming Language itself. The allocator for Rust is wicked clever about allocating memory resources while at the same time preventing a whole host of errors common to C++. Having programmed mostly in Rust for the past nine months (with some Haskell and Racket, and my day-to-day tool of Hy), I think I'd rather be work at a coffee shop than go back to hacking C++ or Java.
Let's stick with our solution, but let's multithread it. This article will show you how I multithreaded the Boggle searcher using the low-level Crossbeam toolkit and it's work queue extension, Deque. Cossbeam is an amazing library that takes Rust's cleverness and applies it to allocating CPU resources.
First thing: except for the solve()
function, nothing else in our program has to change. Everything else is already thread-safe. The board and the dictionary are both read-only: every call to solve launches the recursive solver solution for a specific starting point on the board, with a new, unique Scanner object to store both the successful matches (and prefix matches) and the bitmap to track the path taken.
So the trick is to call solveforpos()
in a thread. However, the average consumer laptop has four or eight cores, but the average Boggle™ board has more positions than four or eight. We can't just launch as many threads as we have positions to check.
It's also not efficient to say, "If we have four cores, let's just divvy up the 4x4 board into 4 work groups and give each group to a different thread." This strategy is known as job batching, but it can lead to inefficiencies. One batch may be all small jobs, whereas another may be all big jobs. The small batches will be done and the cores idling while waiting for the big jobs to finish. We'll address that later.
Crossbeam provides a mechanism for dealing with this: stealing. A collection of queues is shared among the threads, and when one thread finishes its local queue it can steal a job from another thread's queue. If that doesn't work, it can steal from a global queue.
For now, let's not worry about stealing from peers. Let's just have a global queue of Job
s to tackle. A Job encodes the starting position on the Board for a given scan and the Scanned
object from the previous post that will collect the data. The system is done when the queue of jobs is empty.
How to use Crossbeam-Deque
We're going to be using crossbeam and crossbeam-deque, Injector
is the first object we're going to be using from crossbeam. Injector
is our deque (a first-in, first-out queue), and we're loading our job descriptions into it. It's a funny name: it implies that it pushes jobs, but most of the time our worker threads will actually be pulling jobs out of the Injector
<code class="sourceCode rust"><span class="kw">pub</span> <span class="kw">fn</span> solve_mt(board: &Board, threads: <span class="dt">usize</span>) -> <span class="dt">Vec</span><<span class="dt">String</span>> <span class="op">{</span>
<span class="kw">struct</span> Job(<span class="dt">isize</span>, <span class="dt">isize</span>, Scanned);
<span class="kw">let</span> work = &<span class="op">{</span>
<span class="kw">let</span> <span class="kw">mut</span> work: Injector<Job> = Injector::new();
<span class="kw">for</span> x <span class="kw">in</span> <span class="dv">0.</span> <span class="op">{</span>
<span class="kw">for</span> y <span class="kw">in</span> <span class="dv">0.</span> <span class="op">{</span>
work.push(Job(x, y,
Scanned::new(<span class="st">""</span>.to_string(), Ledger::new(,,
<span class="op">}</span>
<span class="op">}</span>
<span class="op">}</span>;</code>
The outer work
variable is a reference to the work queue, which itself is now anonymous. This is important because it lets Rust know that work
is going to be reaped at the end of this function while still allowing multiple immutable references to work
to be used.
Crossbeam has a nifty thread launching system with one powerful abstraction I mentioned earlier: temporal scope. The scope()
function allows for structured concurrency, guaranteeing that every thread launched within a scope has terminated before the parent thread is allowed to proceed. Inside a scope we're free to spawn()
as many threads as we like, but they will all end before we leave the scope.
So: we need a place to record the results of any one search, and then we need to launch the search, and at the end we need to collect all the results and return them. We also need to find the job we're going to be processing, but I'm going to cheat and do that later. Let's launch:
<code class="sourceCode rust"> <span class="kw">let</span> <span class="kw">mut</span> solutions: <span class="dt">Vec</span><<span class="dt">String</span>> = <span class="pp">vec!</span><span class="op">[]</span>;
crossbeam::scope(|spawner| <span class="op">{</span>
<span class="kw">let</span> handles: <span class="dt">Vec</span><ScopedJoinHandle<<span class="dt">Vec</span><<span class="dt">String</span>>>> = (<span class="dv">0.</span>.threads)
.map(|_| <span class="op">{</span>
spawner.spawn(<span class="kw">move</span> |_| <span class="op">{</span>
<span class="kw">let</span> <span class="kw">mut</span> solutions: <span class="dt">Vec</span><<span class="dt">String</span>> = <span class="pp">vec!</span><span class="op">[]</span>;
<span class="kw">let</span> <span class="kw">mut</span> queue: Worker<Job> = Worker::new_fifo();
<span class="kw">loop</span> <span class="op">{</span>
<span class="kw">match</span> find_task(&<span class="kw">mut</span> queue, &work) <span class="op">{</span>
<span class="cn">Some</span>(<span class="kw">mut</span> job) => <span class="op">{</span>
solveforpos(&board, (job.<span class="dv">0</span>, job.<span class="dv">1</span>), &<span class="kw">mut</span> job.<span class="dv">2</span>, &<span class="kw">mut</span> solutions);
<span class="op">}</span>
<span class="cn">None</span> => <span class="kw">break</span>,
<span class="op">}</span>
<span class="op">}</span>
<span class="op">}</span>)
<span class="op">}</span>)
A couple of things stand out here.
First, the topmost solutions
collection is outside the scope. We don't want to lose the result of our work when the scope ends and Rust reclaims the memory needed to do our processing. The temporary data generated during a search is ephemeral, but our final answers shouldn't be.
Second, the handles
collection is where our data actually ends up, and we need to extract the results of a thread from it. It's a fairly complex type signature, but straightforward once you figure it out.
Third, we've got that Worker
thing, which is also from crossbeam. Crossbeam-deque has its 'job stealing' mechanism, in which all threads in a scope can have multiple job queues and 'steal' work from each other (usually half the items in a queue) as each thread finishes its own queue.
We're not going to use this feature. We're just going to have a single scoped queue in Injector
and pop jobs off. But crossbeam wants each thread to have a queue, so we're going to have it, but at run-time that queue will have only one job in it, the current job. When a thread has completed one full search it will loop around and ask the Injector
, for another job.
Fourth, we have another solutions
vector of strings; this is the one that goes into the vector of ScopedJoinHandle
s, and in the end we have to merge and flatten them all.
And finally, a pro-tip: see that .collect()
at the bottom? I used
to launch my threads, rather than a for
loop. And .map()
is lazy: it produces exactly one iteration, waits for it to complete, and then goes on to produce the next. Without .collect()
, the spawner produces one child thread which does all the work... and then we're actually a little slower than the the single-threaded version due to the overhead. Using .collect()
there forces .map()
to be eager, to try and collect all the threads at once and put their results into handles
All right, we've run the threads and collected the results. What's next? Extraction:
<code> solutions = handles
.map(|handle| handle.join().unwrap())
In the first line, when the parent scope hits the first handle.join()
, it waits until the first thread launched terminates, and then collects its data. If the second and third thread are also done, it immediately collects those, otherwise it goes back into the waiting state until it's merged the entire scope down. The .unwrap()
is there to handle error conditions of the total concurrency handling process, but I'm going to ignore it for now.
We then sort and de-duplicate our collection and return it.
Much of the point of this exercise is to simplify the queue example from crossbeam. The version of find_task
on that page is esoteric and difficult to read. I wanted a simpler version that I could understand. This is what mine looks like:
<code>fn find_task<T>(local: &mut Worker<T>, global: &Injector<T>) -> Option<T> {
match local.pop() {
Some(job) => Some(job),
None => loop {
match global.steal() {
Steal::Success(job) => break Some(job),
Steal::Empty => break None,
Steal::Retry => {}
A thread looking for work passes in both its local and the global queues. We attempt to pop the local job off, which should never exist; it's just an empty container needed to pass this assertion. We then attempt to steal
another job from the global queue. If we're out of jobs, we return None
. If we find a job, we return Some(job)
. And finally, if the global queue was locked (due to another thread being in the middle of getting work), we tell find_task to busy-wait and try again.
That's it. That's the whole of what that big mess on the crossbeam-deque page is trying to tell you, only using iter::repeat
instead of loop
and throwing in a whole bunch of stuff about stealing jobs from other threads. Which you will need someday if you write lots of concurrent code. For learning, however, you will not want it; you want the simplest level of code you can hold in your head. A loop does that for me.
And that's it. Your Boggle solver is now multi-threaded. And the results are impressive: With four threads, it's now about three times faster, solving the board in about 350ns. It's not four times faster; there's allocation and processing overhead involved in separating out the jobs. But it's three times faster, which is a great improvement.
As always, the entire codebase is avaiable from the the boggle-solver project on my Github.