Template recursion in Django with Treebeard 18 May 2009 django #programming #python #django #templates #recursion #treebeard
I am much better at C++ than I recall 27 April 2009 programming #programming #c++ #literate programming
You guys were right: Cucumber is sweet! 14 April 2009 test-driven development #programming #ruby #web development #test-driven development #cucumber #TDD #unit testing
Doing basic tests with FireWatir and TDD 13 April 2009 test driven development #programming #python #ruby #firewatir #test-driven development #testing
Followup to don't live with a broken IDE: Not the smallest broken thing. 20 January 2009 general programming #ADHD #programming #Emacs
What the 'new' operator means in Javascript 29 July 2008 javascript #programming #javascript #standards
Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes: ThinkSaber for the Mac 14 July 2008 projects #programming #thinksaber
"If I just knew HTML, I could make a trunkload of money!" 10 June 2008 web development #beginning #professionalism #programming
DWIM HTML Templating in Python 30 May 2008 application servers #programming #python #web development #webware
Toward a Web Application 13 May 2008 application servers #programming #python #web development #webware
Step 1: Install Webware 6 May 2008 application servers #programming #python #web development #webware