You guys were right: Cucumber is sweet! 14 April 2009 test driven development #programming #ruby #web development #test driven development #cucumber #TDD #unit testing
Doing basic tests with FireWatir and TDD 13 April 2009 test driven development #programming #python #ruby #firewatir #test-driven development #testing
I write code the way I write prose. 5 September 2008 python #firewatir #javascript #python #ruby #watir
Anything you can do, I can do better / I can do anything better than you... 26 August 2008 python #firewatir #python #ruby #rewrites
Compromising with Rails: The Inflector and the Plural of "series" 15 July 2008 ruby on rails #activerecord #pluralization #rails #ruby
Ruby, Python, and references to functions... 8 June 2008 python #function references #metaprogramming #python #ruby
Using ActiveRecord::Schema to Create Databases Without Rails 7 June 2008 application servers #databases #ruby #rails #ruby on rails