The Death's Head Semantic In Python: Is It Really Necessary? 17 February 2018 programming python Rust
Parsing with derivatives, naive Python edition! 25 January 2018 programming python #regex #brzozowski
New work: Autorotate for the MS Surface Pro 3 running Linux & Krita 14 November 2017 programming python
I added Basename and Dirname to PostgreSQL, and sped up Catalogia by a LOT 14 July 2016 database django python
Django Signals enable Aspect-Oriented programming. 29 July 2010 django python #aspect-oriented-programming #django #python #signals
Django SocialAuth component, now with some Elfin goodness... 24 November 2009 django programming python web development
Continual Integration Testing for Web Applications: Remote testing with Celerity, Watir, and Cucumber 20 November 2009 programming python ruby web development #behavior driven development #cucumber #testing #unit testing #watir
Python: Decorators With Arguments (with bonus Django goodness) 20 November 2009 django programming python #decorators #functional programming
Continual Integration Testing for Web Applications: Hooking up our application to Hudson 12 November 2009 django programming python web development #automated testing #continuous integration testing #hudson #testing #web applications
Continual Integration Testing for Web Applications: A Sample Application in Django 12 November 2009 django programming python web development #coverage #testing
Django: How to ensure the function name and context name are the same for context processing 17 September 2009 django python
Django: Filtering a loosely coupled many-to-many relationship 16 September 2009 django python web development #django #models #templates
Arrrgh. Now, repeat after me: 14 September 2009 django python web development #facebook #facebook connect
How to post to a facebook user's Newsfeed via Python and Django 31 August 2009 django javascript python #django #facebook #facebook API #facebook connect #python #undocumented feature
Perl is not Python, and other painfully obvious musings... 10 July 2009 programming python #metaprogramming #object-oriented #perl #python
Installing Django's ugettext absolutely everywhere 29 June 2009 django programming python web development
Dynamic names as first-level URL path objects in Django 26 June 2009 django programming python web development #delicious #django #usernames
Fixing an omission from Django's simplejson: iterators, generators, functors and closures 20 May 2009 javascript programming python #ajax #closures #django #dojo #functors #generators #iterators #javascript #json #python #simplejson
I write code the way I write prose. 5 September 2008 python #firewatir #javascript #python #ruby #watir
Anything you can do, I can do better / I can do anything better than you... 26 August 2008 python #firewatir #python #ruby #rewrites
Web development is game development minus two lines of code 14 July 2008 python #game programming #games #pygame #python #web programming #projects
Ruby, Python, and references to functions... 8 June 2008 python #function references #metaprogramming #python #ruby