Tag: #django
Dead-simple progressive state handler.
18 July 2011
Satchmo... arrrgh
17 June 2011
Using django_uni_form and CSRF
21 January 2011
Django-Admin: Users, sorted by last name, first name, shown by last name, first name
30 November 2010
Django Gotchas: Django's request.GET dictionary and 'in'
24 October 2010
Using MySQL's Full Text Search with Django
Generate Google Calendar templates from Django-Events
6 October 2010
Generating ICalendar ICS files from Django-Events
Django and Asynchronous Gearman, Together At Last!
19 August 2010
Adding ReCaptcha to Django
11 August 2010
Django Signals enable Aspect-Oriented programming.
Adding Opensearch to Django
15 July 2010
[Headdesk] In Django, Querysets are Lazy!
13 July 2010
Loading a dev database in Django and MySQL
24 March 2010
Django SocialAuth component, now with some Elfin goodness...
24 November 2009
Python: Decorators With Arguments (with bonus Django goodness)
20 November 2009
Continual Integration Testing for Web Applications: Hooking up our application to Hudson
12 November 2009
Continual Integration Testing for Web Applications: A Sample Application in Django
12 November 2009
Automatic Testing of Facebook Applications
10 November 2009
Django Signals: The Rules
28 October 2009
Rails-like environments with Django.
14 October 2009
I have Cucumber working with FacebookConnect!
23 September 2009
Off in the weeds again...
23 September 2009
Django: How to ensure the function name and context name are the same for context processing
Django: Filtering a loosely coupled many-to-many relationship
16 September 2009
Arrrgh. Now, repeat after me:
14 September 2009
Small but useful Django notions...
8 September 2009
How to post to a facebook user's Newsfeed via Python and Django
31 August 2009
Django: Generating static javascript and CSS with reversed URLs via Templates
21 August 2009
Dynamic OR'd Queryset creation with Django
13 August 2009
Installing Django's ugettext absolutely everywhere
29 June 2009
Dynamic names as first-level URL path objects in Django
26 June 2009
Bog-stupid Ajax round trips with Prototype and Django
13 June 2009
Template recursion in Django with Treebeard
18 May 2009
Python can be just as ugly as PHP...
14 May 2009
Django and the headaround fail...
23 February 2009
Django: The Book Is Wrong, the Tutorial is Right
22 October 2008